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A women riding an exercise bike as part of a primary care routine

eHealth Provisions is proud to offer EvexiPEL Subcutaneous Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for both Men and Women

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)- Your Life In Balance

BHRT with pellets is typically much more convenient for patients. Unlike traditional BHRT treatments – creams, patches, pills, and injections – many men and women prefer pellet therapy because the treatment offers a natural alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapies, subcutaneous bio-identical hormone replacement therapy utilizes bio-identical hormones derived from natural, plant-based substances. Unlike synthetic hormones, the structure of the bio-identical hormone – testosterone, estrogen or both – most closely matches each patient’s individual needs. Since they are derived from nature, plant-based hormones metabolize in the body, just the way nature intended.

Once the practitioner uncovers the root cause of your hormone imbalance and other health issues – they’ll prescribe a treatment plan to address your specific needs. Pellets deliver a steady stream of hormones – when the body needs it – mimicking the way the body naturally releases hormones. Instead of daily treatments, most patients only have to visit a practitioner 2-3 times per year for pellet implants.

How does BHRT with pellets work?

The practitioner makes a tiny incision – usually in the buttocks or flank – then inserts the pellets into the fatty tissue under the skin. The practitioner then closes the incision, without the need for stitches. To prevent patient discomfort, a local anesthetic is applied to the insertion site prior to the procedure.

In response to physical activity or emotional stress (whether it’s good stress or bad), the pellets release estradiol and/or testosterone into the body. Thanks to the pellets, which are securely tucked away beneath the skin, the patient receives a steady steam of hormones, which keeps annoying mood and energy fluctuations at bay. EvexiPEL utilizes pellets provided by a compounding pharmacy using a specific formulation to help provide better patient results.

Many women experience imbalanced levels of the hormones estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone as they age. While perimenopause can begin as early as a woman’s 30s, more women as young as their 20s are experiencing hormone imbalance today, here’s the kicker – hormone imbalance typically occurs several years before obvious symptoms appear.

As hormone imbalance takes hold, women may experience troubling symptoms, such as insomnia, low energy, anxiety and depression, mood swings, stubborn weight gain, lack of desire for sex, and more. As if these frustrating symptoms weren’t bad enough, imbalanced hormones in women may increase the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and other diseases and conditions. For women with hormone imbalance, research consistently shows that subcutaneous bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with pellets may be a superior method for delivering hormones because of the individualized dosing, steady state of hormone release, and natural over synthetic options. Depending on the patient, the practitioner may also prescribe a detoxification program, thyroid supplements, nutritional supplements, weight loss program, mental health support, and more.

  • Reduced Scar Tissue
  • Less Boosts Required In New Patients
  • Fewer Office Visits
  • Quicker and More Consistent Absorption

Low testosterone and hormone imbalance are a common occurrence for men as they age. Once a man turns 35, he may expect to experience a gradual decline in testosterone production – also known as andropause – at a rate of up to 10 percent loss of output per year. As testosterone levels decline, many men suffer from low energy, brain fog, stubborn belly fat, mood disorders, sexual dysfunction, and more.
Imbalanced hormones in men also increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as other diseases and conditions. For men with low testosterone, research consistently shows that subcutaneous bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with pellets may be a superior method for delivering hormones because of the individualized dosing, steady state of hormone release and natural over synthetic options. Depending on the patient, the practitioner may also prescribe a detoxification program, thyroid supplements, nutritional supplements, mental health support, and more.

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